
Friday, 11 March 2016

The hwak

Walking down the deserted, narrow street, two boys got the fright of their life when a hawk swooped down towards their heads. They glanced up just in time to see. It had a big nose and sharp claws and it had big eagle eyes. It was gliding in the hot sun then it went on the street lamp and the big hawk pooped on them it looked white but the two boys got angry. After that it went to the creek and the two boys were running after the bird then the bird flyer to the hill. Then the two boys went to there dad home and they jumped on the mountain bikes. They were doing wheelies while they were chasing the bird then the boy got there toy gun and shoot the bird. Then they got the bird but it was still alive then they shoot the bird again then they took it back to it nest then the whole family. Was they then the two boys went back on the bikes. The family was chasing the two boys and they went through the park and went to there dads house and they locked all of the doors and windows. Then they went back outside and they were playing on the bikes and they ride to there friends house and they played black ops 2. But then it was getting late so they went back to their dad's house but then they saw the hawk staring at them they boost it on the bikes. When they got home they had nightmares of the hawk. Then it was the next day they were mowing the lawn but then the boy ran over a hawk. Then they were finished the lawn then they went back inside and they wash them self. then they were playing on there game.

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